viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Hell's Gate

O el nombre de mi oficina de correos: La Puerta del Infierno.

Quería escribir un texto inspirado sobre este sitio, pero... he encontrado esto y creo que su alta calidad merece simplemente publicarlo:

"This place could not be more appropriately named... "Hell's Gate". It is indeed... the gates of hell. You will go in a man of character and principals... and you will leave a soulless hollow shell of your former self, feeding on the pain, sadness and disappointment of others. This is a dark place where un-dead Government slaves go to die a new daily death 5 days a week, thoughtlessly and mechanically operating at the bare minimum of possible productivity and output. Their reanimated dead tissue occasionally recognizes other tortured souls amongst them when the inmates, or "customers" as they are sometimes called, periodically smash their fists against the bulletproof glass and scream agonizing cries of soul-crushing frustration... an involuntary emotionally act utterly futile in altering the worker zombie's totally dispassionate disposition. Sacrifice a virgin goat before you enter this previously undiscovered gate to hell."

Esta es mi oficina de correos en Nueva York.


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